The women of Salem AntiWar protested the recent decision in the case US vs. Slough today by lying in the center of campus for nearly an hour during the highest traffic time of the day.

We received no direct negative feedback (unusual on such a conservative campus) and were able to educate students and passerby about the role of Blackwater in the American occupations and to inform them about Blackwater's lack of accountability for the atrocities it commits.

We also gained a member who joined us, lying down on the pavement in the below freezing temperatures.

Our confidence was bolstered by this small success. Past actions have been met with hate mail and threats. We hope today we may have detected a shift in the rest of the student body. On a campus where action is rare, we are continuing to protest and demonstrate. Our message is striking a chord, and our numbers are growing.

Thanks to all the phenomenal women who participated in today's action!

Posted by Trish
Bravo. keep up the good work! Visit http://xewatch.info